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RE: [RTTY] Receiver Problems + blowed RX

To: "'Steve AI9T'" <steve@ai9t.com>,"'RTTY Group'" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: RE: [RTTY] Receiver Problems + blowed RX
From: "Stein Roar Brobakken" <s-roabr@online.no>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 11:54:52 +0100
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
I have been able to do that with my rigs too during CQ WW Rtty

I got RF probably from 2nd Radio a TS850 +1kw to a TS2000 Run Radio.
The RX got lower and weak.... but I could barely copy the few RTTY

Mostlty there is a barrier which like a Diode or a Mute Transister blows
of if your RX gets to high lever of signals....
HAppened to me 4 times on several radioes.

Its so that new technology of radioes with cheap crappy components,
makes us to protect even more than before

Maybe using double sets of bandpass filter +++++ had helped a lot + REAL
ground system between radio's in SO2R setup.+++

Regards & 73 de 
RAG ~ Stein Roar Brobakken Hamradiocallsign: LA6FJA
NO-2830 Raufoss 

Telephone home: +47 611 944 54 
Cellphone# 1: +47 48 22 44 21 (Job)      Cellphone# 2: +47 91 72 38 72
Telefax job: +47 611 51 875 

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: rtty-bounces@contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces@contesting.com] På
vegne av Steve AI9T
Sendt: 13. november 2004 07:06
Til: RTTY Group
Emne: [RTTY] Receiver Problems

About 20 minutes into the  WAE contest the receiver on my ICOM 756 PRO 
went south. Don't think I hit it with to much RF from the other rig?? 
Anyone else had a problem with the receiver on the PRO or maybe know an 
easy fix? IF not, anyone know a good place where I could get it repaired

close to IL??



Steve AI9T


QSL via LOTW and EQsL

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