Delete now if not interested in my continuing saga.
Sunday at the hospital for out patient lab and shot . My Hemoglobin was
5.1. When the nurse said I did not have to be re admitted I almost
hugged her. First time I'd gone there for outpatient without being
Monday got my shot and lab work about the same values . Tuesday lab,
shot and doctor which went well. Today just a shot. This is the first
day since June 25 I was not poked and had blood drawn.. They Decrease
the steroid before letting me out of the hospital on July 4 and that is
helping with the
blood sugars.
The doctor further explained that monocytes are the most basic of
infection fighting cells and them starting helps me a might. Hopefully
they will increase an the other infection fighters will develop. She
also said my Red Cells look good enough to fight off bacterial type
73 W0ETC
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