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To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] EQSL Cards
From: WI8W <rtty@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 20:23:55 +0000
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

This afternoon I receieved several emails from EQSL, telling me that someone sent me a QSL card via the EQSL system for contacts made during this weekends CQ WPX RTTY Contest.

For the record, I do not use the EQSL system therefore I will not respond to any QSL sent via that method. I stopped using EQSL when LOTW became available quite frankly because the return rate at EQSL is more than dismal. Out of 1500 Contacts I uploaded to EQSL I received a total of 26 qsl cards in a 2 year period. I closed my membership to EQSL last September. They apparently still consider me a member (even though I cancelled) as they sent me the email notifications. That is the reason for this email to explain my qsl policy.

I respond to the following methods of QSLing. All incoming cards are answered 100% using one of the following methods.

A. Direct without a sase (I don't consider them necessary)
B. Via the 8th Area incoming bureau (if you are a DX station and don't care to qsl direct)
c. Via LOTW
d. Via any bureau I may use that is affiliated with a club or on the air group (such as 3905 Century Club or FISTS). These is generally restricted for contacts I make on their nets or with their members etc.

If you have sent me a EQSL I invite you to use one of the above 4 methods. It is not hard to get a QSL from me...simply send me one via any of the above methods.

Please do not use EQSL for any contact with my station. They will not be answered. It will be a waste of your time.



Thom WI8W

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