What I do in any sound card digital mode is: select the narrowest filters I
have that will pass a signal. My TS-850S lets me select 500 Hz filters in
USB/LSB; they are centered around 1400 Hz. Then I choose software that lets
me zoom in on the waterfall. For that reason, I don't use Digipan. I prefer
WinPSKse, or HamScope, or my personal favourite, MixW. I have no interest in
watching 4 kHz of bandwidth, 7/8 of which is empty because of the filters,
but much more importantly, when the waterfall is zoomed in the signals are
visually much wider and tuning with the mouse becomes a breeze. Then, if
there is another strong signal within my bandpass, and the slope tune
controls can't deal with it, I adjust the radio's tuning to put the offender
outside the bandpass while leaving the good signal inside, use the mouse to
select the desired signal, and away I go.