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[RTTY] Incorrect Call's

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Incorrect Call's
From: jon@praxisworks.org (Jon Harder)
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:49:56 -0000
Shelby, you're 100% right on this.   I nearly always do a post-contest
upload of an ADIF file to eQSL, as I'd like to finish up their eDX100 and
eWAS awards.  Fewer seem to bother with it these days.

Each time two or three of my uploaded entries end up being  "rejected"
because  _my own_  call was incorrectly logged at the other end.  This while
running for 30 minutes or more on one freq.  and often in spite of my
attempting to correct the caller's mistake on the spot.   Many of these S&P
jackrabbits are gone even before getting my response to their mistaken
reply, which could be something as short as "K1UZ 38"  in JARTS.  Wheeee!
Must be a real QRQ CW contester trying out RTTY.   No QSK on this mode here!

Hard to imagine how a CQing station's call can get so mangled, even with 3x
at each CQ!

73, de Jon,

K1US  -- (not  K1UY, KK1US, K1USA, K1USS,  K2US, K2USA,  W1US,
 ............ )
My call is original issue, held since 1976          ......................

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelby Summerville" <k4ww@arrl.net>
To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:00 AM
Subject: [RTTY] Incorrect Call's

> This is not an opinion of the value of eQSL, but simply trying to
> how/why, after almost every contest, I will get a eQSL request from a
> station that I have worked in a contest, but I didn't have the call
> I send a calling station's call three (3) times during an exchange: 1)
> to the exchange, 2) after the exchange, 3) during the "tnx qrz" entry!
> XX0XXX 599 04-04 XX0XXX de K4WW
> XX0XXX tnx qrz de K4WW
> Surely with three (3) different chances at correcting my returning to an
> incorrect call, a station would correct me before allowing me to "move
> I find many times that my call is sent different when a station answers my
> CQ, and I re-send it twice (K4WW K4WW) before I start the exchange, which
> also contains my call at the end. If/when my call is sent incorrectly,
> re-sending it prior to the exchange will result it my call be returned
> correctly. I realize that "marginal" band conditions will have varying
> effects on "printed copy", but surely with three (3) chances, it
> should/could be sent/received correctly? I even have separate buffers
> established with "longer" required information contained in them, and try
> use them in those "marginal" conditions! These are not "casual" contest
> stations, but ones that I work consistently in most RTTY contest's! I do
> believe in "post contest" log editing, and that is my right, but if these
> eQSL's were sent within the time frame for sending logs to each contest
> manager, what a nice way to "edit my log"!
> C'Ya, Shelby
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