Updated RTTY Contest Callsign database. For WriteLog users, go to
http://www.geocities.com/writelog. File downloaded will be a zipped file
called aa5au_rtty101202.zip. Unzipped it will be aa5au_rtty101202.dta.
Place the .dta file in your C:\ham\programs\ subdirectory or wherever you
have WriteLog installed. Instructions on configuring the .dta file within
WriteLog also on the same site.
For others, you can download the ASCII file from http://www.aa5au.com/rtty/.
This file can be used with WF1B and other programs. Or it can be opened in
Word Pad to check to see if your callsign is there and if it is correct, etc.
file downloaded here is also a zipped file, called mstrtty.zip. Unzipped it is
mstrtty.cal. It can also be used as the master.cal file for WT4I Cabrillo
Rename the file to master.cal and replace the existing master.cal file in your
C:\Program Files\Cabrillo Tools\ subdirectory. Caution! This is a RTTY
file, so if your present master.cal file is for another mode, you may want to
it and save it elsewhere.
Send any additions, deletions or corrections to me and I will include them in
the next update. If you see a call that appears to be busted, please let me
and I will investigate.
The file now contains 21,614 calls. Thanks to WS7I, K7WM, W2UP, W1ZT and
P43P for their input. Thanks to K4SB who regularly cleans the file of old
that are no longer valid.
Also, for WriteLog users, I've updated my WriteLog website to include additional
help from Dean, WA4TK, on initializing the KAM XL.
Not sure if I'll be able to get into the NA RTTY Sprint tonight, but I'll be in
next weekend, hell or high water (we get a lot of that here in Louisiana). CU
73, Don AA5AU