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[RTTY] CQWW (CQ-Zones rec'd/worked)

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] CQWW (CQ-Zones rec'd/worked)
From: dk3vn@nexgo.de (Waldemar DK3VN)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 13:00:46 +0200
DJ3IW Goetz wrote:
> Hi,
> RW9WA sending zone 17.......
> Wonder what the logchecking software will make of it this year.
> 73 de Goetz
> dj3iw@t-online.de
> ...


until yet I have not seen any final statement about this issue from
the Contest Manager (Glenn, W6OTC); maybe I have missed it?

However: I have checked the rules again: "RTFR = Read The Fine Rules".
(In "RTFR" the "F" stands for "Fine" and not for the Fu-word. ~:)

In the paragraph "X. Multipliers:" is this sentence: "One multiplier
point for each CQ Zone worked on each band". The key-word is "worked". 
You got it? Only the CQ Zones, which you have worked, are counting for
a multiplier and not the numbers, which you have received from any
station! Referring to the CQ Zone placement criteria, laid out in the
CQ WAZ awards program (http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/wazrules.html)

  "Zone 16. Eastern Zone of Europe: UR?UZ, EU-EW, ER, UA1, UA3. UA4,
            UA6, UA9 (S,W). US, UC, UO, and R1M (M V, Island)"
To cut a long story short: RW9WA sent the wrong number! If your
log is showing the number "17", for your contacts with RW9WA, then
you made a mistake. If RW9WA's log shows "17" as "CQ Zone sent",
then he made a mistake. Whatever the log checking software does,
the final result must be: Each contact with the wrong CQ Zone number
in the log (sent or received) is invalid!

BTW: VE3EXY/2 sent the zone number "2". Hmm .. the CQ WAZ awards
program says ..

  "Zone 2. Northeastern Zone of North America: V02 Labrador,
           the portion of VE2 Quebec north of ..."

Does VE3EXY signed wrong? Should I log "VE3EXY/VO2" ??  Would like
to know the decision of the contest committee about that issue! ~:)

Last but not least: Any log checking software is a tool and a tool is
not responsible for the results; responsible are humans only! ;-)

73 de Waldemar, DK3VN
Check RWRL on  http://www.qsl.net/dk3vn   mailto:dk3vn@darc.de
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