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[RTTY] Log's in RTTY

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Log's in RTTY
From: ws7i@ieway.com (Jay)
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 10:01:51 -0700

After having just completed checking the RTTY NAQP log's it is clear to me
that we/I or someone needs to spend some time in spreading the word to folks.

I think also that folks need to send a great big personal thank you to
Eddie G0AZT for his efforts for years and years in doing this stuff for
"major" contests.  His email is:


You can not even begin to imagine what a lot of work doing less than 170
logs is, but to think of the many 100's is beyond my insight.

This was a first time "log checking" with Cabrillo Tools for me.  It is
also my last as the RTTY NAQP guy as TBA soon, Wayne K7WM is taking that
one over entirely and I am going to work on the Sprints.

First of all.  RTTY contests are RTTY, not mixed or SSB or CW.  Low power
contests are Low power they aren't high power. If you used High Power you
need to indicate the log in the NAQP as a Checklog.  Your NAME is that name
sent in the exchange. If you send Jay you don't put Jay Townsend in the
Cabrillo file.  That results in a score of zero.  I fixed ton's of this
stuff. It is up to the contestant in a contest to do the following:

a> Look at your cabillo file or contest file.
b> Make sure things are correct.
c> Make sure your state data, your SCP data, and your zone/country data is
d> Check your exchange, your class, your callsign.  Make sure the log is
your log. If you have someone help then get the file and double check it.
People often ask about "massaging" the data after the contest. I have no
answer on that, but you must make sure its at least what you want to have
your score based on.
d) 3830 HCS. I would VERY HIGHLY recommend that you submit your score at
some point to the 3830 reflector. It is useful to log checkers in making
sure that the email system didn't eat your submission.  We/I had email
problems in the RTTY NAQP and it ensured that we got most of the log's (not
sure we got them all tho). If you are sensitive to score issues then lie
some in your HCS, rather than not sending it in :-)

WF1B users, I'm sorry I can only recommend to Wayne that we no longer
accept logs in WF1B format it is just too difficult to get these into
Cabrillo accurately. I found at least four or five that I converted that I
"messed" up.  It is way to easy to get stuff wrong with WF1B for me to take
on that responsibility again.

Cabrillo Tools is a way cool tool and I must say the crosschecking makes
contesting a lot more accurate.  Error's in names, calls, and things are
just found by the software.  I would recommend buying this program from
Bruce, WT4I.  I believe that Ron K5DJ is marketing it.

Any errors in log checking are mine and mine alone as Wayne didn't have
anything to do with the checking. Also in this day and age I am not again
planning on typing in anyone's computer log.  If you can put it on paper
you can send it as a file.  

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