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[RTTY] DJ3IW and NAQP (long)

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] DJ3IW and NAQP (long)
From: ekki@plicht.de (Ekki Plicht)
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:55:29 +0000
Am Montag, 22. Juli 2002 11:17 schrieb DJ3IW Goetz:
> Here comes a maybe "provocative" comment or question:
> One way propagation or what?
> Possible causes?
> 1) QRM at their end? But they keep calling CQ on and on.
> 2) Their receive capabilities are not on par with their TX power
>    (Chen mentioned 25kW) and multielement stacked Yagis at great height?
> 3) These stations are just not interested in a non-NA(USA) contact?

Hi Goetz,
I experienced the same... heard some NA stations, mostly on 40m, but they 
couldn't hear me. My guess is reason 1) is the best explanation. the noise 
after the flare was just too much. And I got the impression that the day side 
of earth was stronger affected than we on the night side.

For reason 2) - I think everybody plays by the rules - 100W output. And 
antenna gain works both ways.

Reason 3) - well, for a NA station, any contact is valid, except that it does 
not bring multis (states). So why should they ignore DX contacts?

Further - there is something like one-way propagation. I experienced it myself 
at one time in my life, even with lot's of power and big antennas, nobody 
could hear us (that was from Greenland). Noise at the receiving side was 
probably one reason, auroral effects another.

Anyway, I will pursue my idea of enhancing this contest with a parallel "EUQP" 
which adds a little more fun for non-NA stations... 

Ekki, DF4OR

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