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[RTTY] RckRTTY/MMTTY problem solved (more or less)

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] RckRTTY/MMTTY problem solved (more or less)
From: ekki@plicht.de (Ekki Plicht)
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 22:35:55 +0200
some days ago I asked about a lockup problem I had with the combo
After a lot of tuning and tweaking the parameters it seems as if the problem
is gone.

In MMTTY setup I had to set the "soundcard buffer" down to 512 bytes, and
the soundcard priority to "Highest". After that it worked fine for several

As soon as I set the priority to any other value or have any other I/O
intense application running on the PC, the problem shows up again. So I
guess it has something to do with the interrupt assignment in my PC or
scheduling of resources under Win98SE.

Anyway, we hope to work with that setup in ANARTS as MJ/DF4OR. See you

Ekki, DF4OR

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