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[RTTY] Parody Island DXpedition Announcement

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Parody Island DXpedition Announcement
From: obrienaj@netsync.net (Andrew J. O'Brien)
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 22:00:59 -0500
Still not as good as my DXpedition 2 years ago

ARLID013\A! DX news

QST de W11AW =20
DX Bulletin 13  ARLD013-A1
>From ARRIL Headquarters =20
Newingtown CT  April, 2000
To all radio amateurs  =20

ARLD0130A1 DX news

The Cyber Amateur Radio Club  (CARC) has announced it's intention to =
establish what will be a first in Amateur Radio, DX-peditions to under =
water reefs.  It has also announced it's intention to seek ARRL DXCC =
approval of these entities claiming that the submerged status of these =
reefs is a natural barrier and , as such, should not be excluded from =
official DX status. =20

Additionally, the RSGB has been contacted with regard to the =
establishment of a UW-IOTA program.  The Under-Water Islands On The Air =
awards program , according to CARC "will provide an unique opportunity =
for the experimental applications of under-water radio propagation and =
transmission techniques"

Joining CARC in support of this new radio application , John Dreher, =
Staff Astronomy,  at the SETI Institute said the CARC intent will =
advance studies of interest to other non-amateur communications =
enthusiasts.  According to Dreher...

"Salt water conducts electricity too well to allow radio waves to =
without severe losses.  Typically radio waves will only penetrate the =
by about a wavelength.  That's why the Navy is interested in extremely =
frequency radio transmissions: since wavelength =3D speed / frequency,
the corresponding wavelengths can be long enough to get penetration to=20
useful depths for communication with submarines.  The antennas needed =
really big, however, so this method is probably impractical for =
to submarine applications.  I don't see any obvious reason why radio =
should not propagate pretty well through distilled water however.

Andrew O'Brien KB2EOQ, of the CARC said; " Since salt water propagation =
is associated with severe losses, the status of the under water DXCC =
program, and the UW-IOTA awards could be expected to exceed that of =
traditional DXCC/IOTA awards in the DX community.".

The CARC has used it location close to Lake Erie to experiment with =
under-water radio transmissions and several English stations have used =
the facilities at the Institute of Fresh Water Ecology at Lake =
Winderemere, Cumbria, to conduct similar research.

Mark W2MAW, assembling the HF vertical at CARC's Lake Erie  site.

Salt water reefs present the most significant challenge, and permission =
is being sought to use Osprey Reef off the coast of Queensland, as the =
first news under water DXCC entity.   CARC is working closely with Reef =
Check, and an environmental group dedicated to the preservation of reef =
sites.  Reef Check is the largest international coral reef monitoring =
program involving recreational divers and marine scientists. Recently, =
Reef Check teams completed the first global survey of coral reefs. Over =
750 volunteer sport divers were trained and led by 100 volunteer =
scientists in surveys of more than 300 reefs in 31 countries.  The =
initial list of 300 reefs will be used to determine the 100 submitted =
for DXCC approval.

Look for Osprey Roof soon!


----- Original Message -----=20
From: "Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au@bellsouth.net>
To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 21:48
Subject: [RTTY] Parody Island DXpedition Announcement

> I'm happy to report that I am organizing a DXpedition to a newly
> discovered island in the Gulf of Mexico called Parody Island.
> This island meets all the requirements of the ARRL to become a
> new DXCC Entity and there is positive reaction that it will soon
> become a new Entity.
> I will assemble a crew of 10 operators.  Of these operators, all will
> have RTTY experience.  We will operate all bands CW and RTTY
> and maybe, just maybe SSB.  Since the team leader (me) does not
> like SSB, we will bring along 2 experienced DXpediton SSB operators
> but will not allow them to operate SSB.
> We will have one station dedicated to RTTY 24 hours a day around the
> clock on 21080 kHz.  We will operate RTTY on all WARC bands and
> 160M.
> This DXpedition will take place over a period of 11 days, perhaps as
> early as February 2003 after the closing of Duck Season.  We will =
> Multi-Multi in the CQ/RJ WPX RTTY contest.
> We will have 3 pilot stations.  One will be Barry, W2UP, who will be
> instructed to tell those inquiring, that SSB will start on a certain =
date.  Of
> course, we will not operate SSB on that date.  Instead we will operate =
> and CW on 20 meters listening all the way up to 14300 khz.
> A day or two after this announcement and no show on SSB, we will
> instruct Barry to tell the SSB masses that we are having problems with
> the only microphone we brought with us (this, of course, will not be =
> because we snuck in an SSB QSO with 2 of our friends).
> Then on the 3rd to last day of the DXpedition, we will have Barry =
> on our website that there might, repeat might, be SSB on 20M the next =
> We will start on RTTY on 20M and at no set time, move to SSB, where we
> will work 10 hours of SSB.  We will then have Barry put out that there =
will be
> no more SSB operation.
> Please stayed tuned for more details as they emerge.
> 73, Don AA5AU
> Team Leader
> 2003 Parody Island DXpedition
> http://www.aa5au.com
> http://www.geocities.com/writelog
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