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[RTTY] SPAM` and Viruses -- MailWasher did the job!!!

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] SPAM` and Viruses -- MailWasher did the job!!!
From: jon@praxisworks.org (Jon Harder)
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 22:48:16 -0000
Bill, W7TI, had just tipped us off to the really great MailWasher program,
and I'm glad I had it up and running well,  just before the _rob.ball  virus

As a result I was able to preview the message and see what looked to me like
a serious problem in the making.  I just deleted it inside MailWasher before
it had a chance even to hit my Norton checker.

Many thanks, Bill!     I owe you one.    8-}

Jon,  K1US     Cape Porpoise, Maine

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Turner" <w7ti@dslextreme.com>
To: "Garry Shapiro" <garry@ni6t.com>
Cc: "John Dyer" <jdyer@txol.net>; "Kok Chen" <chen@mac.com>;
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 14:21 PM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] SPAM

| On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 06:44:23 -0000, Garry Shapiro wrote:
| >Oh, there is one more defense---I have changed my email address.
| _________________________________________________________
| One more defense you might want to consider is a program like
| MailWasher.  It allows you to preview your mail BEFORE you download it
| and here's the best part:  you can bounce mail back to the sender as if
| your email address didn't exist.  It has filters you can set to bounce
| mail automatically.  I have noticed a definite reduction in spam.  Cool!
| Mailwasher is free if you don't mind a pop-up reminder.  For $20 you can
| get rid of that and get lifetime support and upgrades.
| Get it at:  www.mailwasher.net  I liked it enough to buy it.
| 73, Bill W7TI
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