my intention was, to be active the whole time (12h) on 10/15/20m only,
because my loops for 40/80m are down. But after 3 UTC the signals on 20m
where fluttering so strong, so I could not copy many meaningful things
anymore. So I closed the station at 3:30 UTC, had two beer, checked my
e-mailbox and jumped into my bed around 4:30 UTC for a few hours of sleep.
I assume many HAM's had some problems with my name "KHANDJAR"? No, it's
not an old german name. A "KHANDJAR" is an arabian bent dagger. Please
don't ask me, why I have seleceted this as my name in the NAQP; maybe
because I fell in love with it, when I saw a KHANDJAR the first time.
73 de Waldemar, DK3VN
Entry Class: Single Op, All Band
Band QSOs Pts QTH DX
80 0 0 0 0
40 0 0 0 0
20 106 106 37 0
15 19 19 13 0
10 0 0 0 0
Total 125 125 50 0
Claimed Score: 6250
GDXF#207:Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low!