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Re: [RFI] [cwops] LORAN? 7027

To: "Ron Hardin" <rhhardin@att.net>
Subject: Re: [RFI] [cwops] LORAN? 7027
From: WW3S <ww3s@zoominternet.net>
Reply-to: WW3S <ww3s@zoominternet.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:24:49 +0000
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
S9++ here in NW PA. Centered close to 7.020 and about 12-14 kc wide.....

------ Original Message ------
From "Ron Hardin" <rhhardin@att.net>
To main@cwops.groups.io
Date 4/10/2023 8:07:00 PM
Subject [cwops] LORAN? 7027

There's a wide band noise at 7027 that sure sounds like the old LORAN that used to be on 160m. Any idea what it is? Strong in Central Ohio.
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