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Re: [RFI] RFI Digest, Vol 220, Issue 7

Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI Digest, Vol 220, Issue 7
From: KD7JYK DM09 <kd7jyk@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 9 May 2021 12:48:05 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
"WHAT is a 'strong arc'???"

Just my 2 cents:  blue, not white, 1/2-inch long or greater, and about the
diameter of your little finger or larger.
YIPES!  I'd consider that (as often does utilities, fire departments, et 
cetera) more along the lines of an apocalyptic structure/pole/hardware 
burning, call-everyone-before-the-neighbourhood-burns-down kinda arc, as 
far worse occurs with far less.
RFI wise, even just general electronics wise, and certainly in the lab, 
anything one could see, hear, feel, even know relatively exists, so, 
less than the average static one may notice when putting on clothing, 
would considered excessive, strong, and potentially destructive.  What 
you describe is greater than the arc used to weld bridges together.
The last time I saw a smaller arc that set a pole on fire, I was told by 
all responding, "You see something like that, get away, call 911, it 
WILL get worse!"
To each their own...


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