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Re: [RFI] Potential noise from he solar panel itself

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Potential noise from he solar panel itself
From: Don <kb5kwv@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 19:42:29 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
You could prove it was the optimizer by connecting one to a power supply and a load on the output (maybe even the inverter) and see how much RFI they put out. You might want to use cable lengths similar to what is on the system if you want to get measurements.

On 9/1/2020 7:19 PM, KD7JYK DM09 wrote:
Thanks for clarifying Dennis - and hopefully putting the panel as the source debate to rest. And to be very clear, per-panel PWM electronics are either "optimizer" type (DC to DC) or inverter type (DC to AC), correct?
With a lot of luck, the company that claimed the panels make the 
noise, rather than associated electronics will NOT ask each individual 
person, to "prove it" (that their claims are incorrect), per panel, 
per instance.  We know it's the optimizers, they claim "No".  They 
claim panels, no doubt lining up an absurd amount of research almost 
nobody is willing to spend time, and effort on, so WE can claim, "No", 
in response, with an ability to prove it.  Of course since the blame 
is being put upon deviant liars (based upon their own words, and 
actions), who in the end, can just say, "Whoops.  Sorry.", then find 
other distractions, and ways to shift blame, while wasting time, it 
will fully be at our time, and expense, while they just blow it off, 
leaving us where we often are now, dreaming for otherwise, while 
secretly hoping they didn't just see the post of "The solar cells 
themselves produce miniscule levels of noise", as stated by those that 
have done research in the past.  They put themselves into a really, 
REALLY good position!
Save your research, Dennis, almost every Ham near a panel will most 
likely need your notes, regardless of the actual source of noise, even 
if only to rule it out...
Have any DC to Daylight RF spectrograms of panel outputs? Although a 
picture is worth a thousand words, it can save a thousand hours of BS. 
"It's panels!".  "No, it's probably not, here's a pic..." (How to 
counter corporate BS in a single sentence).

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