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Re: [RFI] New solar at neighbors.

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] New solar at neighbors.
From: "Dave Cole (NK7Z)" <dave@nk7z.net>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 07:34:14 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Ask the neighbor if they will be sure to let you know when the system goes active, let them know you are worried about possible RFI issues.
That will begin the education process for your neighbor.  Make sure they 
are aware that they, as the operator of the offending device, are the 
responsible party, not the vendor.  All nicely, and without threats.
Maybe collect some general RFI information from the web, making sure 
that it prominently states the owner is the responsible party, and ask 
the new solar owner to hand that to the installer for you.
Be kind, but let the installer, and neighbor know that you are very 
concerned about RFI.  Always be a nice guy, never threaten FCC, etc., 
try and handle it as friends, but be prepared to take it legal if needed.
Start a notebook/log today, document everything you say, and everything 
you do in relation to possible RFI.  In the event it does get legal, 
this will help.  A log also serves as a wonderful tool for you in 
dealing with the issue.
Good luck, and remember your hobby may at stake in this, so tread carefully.

73s and thanks,

On 07/06/2018 07:02 AM, Alan Higbie wrote:
Your current situation provides a unique opportunity.

You'll be way ahead of the game IF you can somehow get the installer (or
better yet: a supervisor) to look at a spectral display of the before vs.
Maybe even get them to come into your shack beforehand. They'll see that
you are serious and knowledgeable.

The visual leads to a far superior understanding of what you are talking

A smart phone video before vs. after.

Even without making any legal threats - the mere fact that you have clear
visual evidence - will motivate them to WANT to do the "right thing."

73, Alan K0AV

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 7:39 AM, Joe <nss@mwt.net> wrote:

Why not nip it in the bud right now. When the installer arrives to start
the wiring, show him the issues about the system, and have it fixed right
now while he's there?

The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme

On 7/6/2018 12:18 AM, w6rgs@cox.net wrote:

Oh joy!

Came home today to find that Vivint Solar had installed a Solar Edge (big
label on box) system on my next-door neighbor's roof. They haven't hooked
up the wiring to the exterior panel yet; just a bunch of colored wires
bundled and waiting for connection.   I suppose it had to happen.  Vivint
had door-to-door canvassers in the neighorhood earlier this year.

We'll see what happens, but I think we all know what's going to hit the

Bill W6RGS

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