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Re: [RFI] Dishwasher

To: "Dave Cole (NK7Z)" <dave@nk7z.net>, rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Dishwasher
From: N4ZR <n4zr@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 21:43:33 -0500
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Well, for what it's worth I just replaced a 10-year-old Kitchenaid, which had a failed microswitch, on a pushbutton switch board that was declared "unavailable."  Tried swapping in another switch (from a never-used function), but for some reason it didn't go at all.  Fortunately, the new Kitchenaid appears to be quiet.
73, Pete N4ZR
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On 1/26/2018 9:09 PM, Dave Cole (NK7Z) wrote:
I can't imagine building anything without a computer of some sort in it...  I am making a 10 minute timer out of an Raspberry Pi Zero...  It is simply faster, and cheaper to build it out of a computer than loose parts anymore...  The case, and switches cost more than the zero...
73s and thanks,

On 01/26/2018 03:21 PM, dalej wrote:
Why is the need to have microprossesors in a ….dishwasher ???  Or clothing washer, dryer etc.  Displays, etc, why do we need a display for washing dishes or clothing??
It just seems silly.

Dale, K9VUJ

On 26, Jan 2018, at 17:08, Dennis <dennis.monticelli@gmail.com> wrote:

Today’s dishwashers are not built to last and have too many electronic features.  We bought a Speed Queen.  It is built to industrial standards and has analog controls.  No RFI. Indestructible.   Do a search and read the feedback.  You will pay more and get only the necessary features.  The XYL and I are happy owners.
Dennis AE6C

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