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Re: [RFI] white noise starting at 3780 and up

To: Rob Atkinson <ranchorobbo@gmail.com>, rfi <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] white noise starting at 3780 and up
From: Tom Thompson <w0ivj@tomthompson.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2017 07:19:02 -0600
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Hi Bob,
I have seen the same thing from CenturyLink VDSL2 uplink modem leakage.
Tom   W0IVJ

On 7/16/2017 6:09 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:

I've been tolerating something here that is a nuisance for the past
few years:  Tuning up through 75 meters, at around 3780 or 3790, the
band noise suddenly goes up 20 dB and stays there all the way up to
over 5 MHz.  It's just white noise, like data.  Does anyone else have
this?   I suspect it is AT&T VDSL but I want to find out if there are
other possible causes.   It's puzzling that only that one frequency
range has the noise since Uverse or VDSL whatever it is, uses a number
of other "bands" for data uplink and downlink.  I have done nothing
partly, because the whole scenario of calling AT&T and getting to a
human who knows what I'm talking about will probably take hours and be
a frustrating nightmare but every time I tune down the band and have
the noise floor suddenly drop I get ticked off.

I guess I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and dealt with it
and can give me some pointers.   If it is indeed an AT&T problem maybe
there's a secret phone number to get me right to a technician.

tnx and 73

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