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Re: [RFI] Solar Panel Inquiries

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Solar Panel Inquiries
From: Dave Cole <dave@nk7z.net>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 08:16:57 -0800
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Hello Tom,

If it were me, and I were you, I would immediately begin taking RFI background readings on all bands, starting today...


for a brief treaties on how to do this. I have a full set of spectrograms there for all bands, for my site...
There are simpler ways, but I know of no other way, short of a spectrum 
analyzer to get this much information as cheaply and in a readable form 
as with an SDR radio as described.
I also, provide a copy of the spectrograms to any installers, or 
potential light operators, PRIOR to the install of RFI generating 
devices if possible.  I also give them the "RFI Mitigation" URL I 
mention later.
I would then let them know that any new RFI will need to be mitigated in 
order to meet FCC R&R, and avoid FCC involvement.  I would also print 
out a copy of Part 15, and 18, and include that with the spectrograms... 
 I would also include a copy of an enforcement letter just for good 
measure.  I would then document that I had given them all of this, in my 
RFI log, by date/time.
I suspect my actions as outlined above, would get them calling the maker 
of the panels to see about RFI issues, which is the intent.


for the enforcement letter I have used in the past for grow operations near me. In this case, I would probably look around on the FCC site for a Solar enforcement letter and use that instead.
I am of course always nice, always polite, and I try and never make 
anything sound like a threat...  I keep a log of everything said, and 
done, by everyone, including myself.  I never forget that I might be 
building a log that might show up in court as I write it.
I don't have to say I will call the FCC if I provide all of this to a 
potential RFI generator, it is implied.  That sometimes avoids a 
confrontation-- sometimes.
I have a pile of RFI mitigation stuff on my site, just go to


and on the right select "RFI Mitigation", from the navigation pane.

If you don't post what is happening to the mail list here, I would appreciate hearing how this turns out via email. If you do post it to the list, I will see it here...
If the installers are helpful, I would send them to Mike Gruber of the 
ARRL ASAP.  I found his number on the ARRL web site, and the ARRL lab 
can be very helpful in this sort of thing...  Mike is a really good guy, 
and smart, so the ARRL can be of great help here...
Good Luck!

73s and thanks,

On 11/15/2016 07:11 AM, Tom Lizak wrote:
Hi RFI subscribers,

My next door neighbor is going to have solar panels installed on her house
very shortly.
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