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Re: [RFI] Broadband RFI...

To: rfi@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Broadband RFI...
From: Jim Brown <jim@audiosystemsgroup.com>
Reply-to: jim@audiosystemsgroup.com
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2016 12:18:31 -0700
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
On Tue,5/31/2016 11:31 PM, Dave Cole wrote:
Two things I do-- I take my second display for the P3, which is a 7 inch
LCD, and adjust the brightness to show off the most low level detail
possible in the waterfall, while setting the P3 display slightly lighter
to show other aspects, that don't show up when set too low.  I can see
different things in the same swath of spectrum, at the same time that

I also run the waterfall in B and W, that was the single most productive
thing I have done to date to improved my ability to spot little issues
in the Waterfall...  Getting it out of color mode, and into black and
white was a Godsend, if you don't run in B/W, give it a try.
Thanks very much for those tips, Dave. I'll give them a try. I've always 
run it in color.
I've used P3 and P3/SVGA screen dumps several times in stuff I've 
written, and they don't reproduce well on the printed page. For my most 
recent, I used Irfanview to turn them into greyscale, then negative, 
then played with brightness and contrast to optimize for the printed 
page. Prints MUCH better than the best I could do with color.
Good luck with solving your noise problem. Note the stuff about grow 
lights in the RFI app note from W0IVJ and W0QE.
73, Jim K9YC

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