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Re: [RFI] RFI on 1.8 mhz

To: "RFI Contesting" <RFI@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI on 1.8 mhz
From: Joe <wa6rkn@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 12:50:42 -0800
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
When this started, nothing new was added to the house...no new phones, no laptops, nothing with batteries..nada. Just started midway through the JNN and never went away. No longer have the mobile HF running....selling the truck so all radio equipment is gone.
I am absolutely 100% positive the noise is not originating from my location, 
because of the way it started.
Also, the fact, some days like today, the noise is gone.  (Not frequent, but 
if it originated on my premise, then it would never go away, as nothing 
changes from day to day.)
As I am not a frequent user of 40 meters so it is not critical to find.  I 
can assure you of one fact..I am not gonna kill power to the house again as 
it takes about 4 hours to bring everything back up again, with all the clock 
setting, server reinitializations, etc.  As long as the noise doesn't 
migrate to any other frequency, I will 'live' with the noise.
Joe - WA6RKN

----- Original Message ----- From: "KD7JYK DM09" <kd7jyk@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI on 1.8 mhz

: As I said, house power turned off....so not originating in my house.

What about things with batteries that never turn off, even with power
removed/breakers shut down, for example, my HT, digital voice recorder,
laptop, even my my quartz watch makes enough noise that I have to remove it when sniffing around. Cells phones, PDAs, electronic toy are other sources. Anything with a memory or soft (electronic) start can make noise when not in

I isolate equipment by first killing the breakers, then unplugging them,
then sniffing around them with a radio direction finder, AM pocket radio,
magnetically coupled amplifier and sometimes my HT.  Usually after that I
can say a device is not making noise, or at least identify the noise and the
strength it does make when "tunred off".  Even a laptop with the battery
removed will make a lot of ruckus due to the clock/memory battery and
associated circuitry.

These are just examples of things that don't turn off, you also have the
start-stop time and the strength to take into account.

The start/stop suggests something controlled, the duration is odd for most
consumer devices/chargers, but similar to the grow light patterns mentioned
on another list, 12/12.

The strength suggests something on your property or very close or very
strong.  Close and strong should be easy to find with a portable radio.

Do you have a mobile HF steup?

There was a fellow with a 6RKN in his call in the San Gabriel valley area
years ago, I don't recall the rest, his name was Joe or Jerry, into Search
and Rescue, had about 20 radios on his belt any given moment...


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