You have two sources. The stronger looks and reacts like an HPS light, the
other weaker source is close to a light but not as positive.
I confirmed one by standing dirrecly under the sterrlight with the AOR
tuned to a quiet stop at about 5.5 MHz AM and watching
the cycleing.. loud bursts of same type were heard on RX and visually in synch
with its
startup cycle of light.
After send you the sample i drove around the neighborhood
and noted several more strrelights cycleing on and off.
5 closeby and 20 or abouts in town.
Other suspects had been localized by using AOR handheld tuned to a quiet spot
at around
450 Mhz AM and a small yagi antenna.
Have read the ARRL books about rfi.....
Have done what was suggest........!
At the moment its cold and wet so other suspects are quiet.
Jon-FL StarChat IRC Network channels #wunclub and #monitor
(2x Icom IC-R75, IC-R8500, Racal RA6790/GM, WJ-8716, Collins HF-2050,
BCD996T, AOR ar-8200-MK3, HAL ST-8000a, M-8000, t2fd, D130NJ discone)
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