Some time ago i had asked for helping me to buy the appropriate ferrite for
So i bought some ferrites clamp on mix31 from mouser electronics
I don't know a way to recognise them but i suppose that Mouser sent what i
had ordered.
I put them in some cables and i have not significant problems anymore
After all i searched it more and assembled this
It is an rf current meter and i suppose that i could see rf coming with my
coax and stops after ferrites.
Is this logic ok? If we have the chain ant-ferrites-rig then we must put the
rf meter between rig and ferrites or between ferrites and ant to see the rf?
In one of my friends who had an rfi problem i put the ferrite and i saw
smaller current between ant and ferrites and that's surprised me. I thought
tha the difference is between rig and ferrites.
Another issue is this. I had some ferrites bought from a local store uknown
type. My impression is that these ferrites did a worst job than mix 31. But
when i measured with my homemade rf current meter (between rig and ferrites)
i saw that the uknown ferrite does a better job than mix31 (my initial tests
were at 7MHz and 21MHz where i had sometimes mini rfi problems). But in my
adsl modem i replaced 10 uknown ferrites with 2 mix31 and i have no problem.
I feel that i am doing somethin wrong but what?
Kostas sv1dpi
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