I double checked and realized that I was wrong in my first E-mail. Now
I'm REALLY confused. Assuming I am interpreting this FFT correctly, the
large peaks are 122.45Hz apart and the small ones are 61.225Hz. I don't know
if you can reliably see a 0.3 Hz delta, given that we are talking about
power lines and a local oscillator on a cheap PC soundcard :-)
I'll try tracking it down with a portable DF loop next time I hear it.
Unfortunately, it usually only occurs while I am at work or when I happen
to decide to run home for lunch.
On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 13:26:27 -0400, KE2N@cs.com wrote:
> Be sure to check if it is 60 or 59.7 Hz?
> The lower freq would point to a video or cable TV source, or even 640x480 VESA
> VGA.
> Ken