I run s7-s9 noise 24 hours a day on my Kenwood TS-870 transceiver.
I have noticed that there are no ground rods grounding the D-Mark box =
for cable tv and telephone or internet services. Instead, they ran a #8 =
wire or maybe 10 wire 35 feet on top of the ground over to the power =
pedestal and wrapped it around a screw on the top back side of the =
pedestal. =20
To me this doesn't seem appropriate or correct. Could I be picking up =
noise thropugh the 35 foot wire on the ground which may be actng as an =
antenna and comming into the home?>
Also, this is an older home with the older type wiring and it does not =
have or include the three wire system ONLY two-wire. I notice this =
predominantly on 160 meters.............
Any help and or suggestions greatly appreciated. Sorry for the =
bandwidth on this, but I've had this problem now for sometime and I'm =
new to this reflector so please excuse the ignorance at this time.
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