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[Propagation] NW7US portable station - now through summer 2010

To: propagation <>
Subject: [Propagation] NW7US portable station - now through summer 2010
From: "Tomas Hood" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 11:50:46 -0500
List-post: <">>
This e-mail posting is from the Radio Propagation Reflector that you're 
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Hey, folks...

I am operating radio and propagation observation from my portable 27-foot  
travel trailer for the period starting March 2010 through sometime late  

For those who would like to see the operation - I will be posting pictures  
 from various locations as we travel.  Here is the starting point in  

<> - then go to the Photos  
tab and you'll see the latest pictures.

If you are on Facebook, you can become a "fan" of the page  
<> and keep up with  
things.  I'll also be tweeting stuff.  Of course, I will continue to  
provide observations on propagation and space weather, as conditions  
warrant (i.e., there is something interesting to report and discuss).

Twitter Space WX : @hfradiospacewx
Twitter NW7US : @NW7US

Also: sometime in the next month, I will resume the Space Weather and  
Radio Propagation Podcast.  I will be recording them in this travel  
trailer - a novel experience!

73 de NW7US, Tomas David Hood ( )

Contributing editor:
   CQ Magazine, CQ VHF, Popular Communications

Main Page:
Twitter Space WX : @hfradiospacewx
Twitter NW7US : @NW7US


Linux User #32405 - Since 1996
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