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[Orion] Re: Orion raspy on CW? (Charlie, W0YG)

To: orion@contesting.com
Subject: [Orion] Re: Orion raspy on CW? (Charlie, W0YG)
From: "D.W. Fearn" <dwfearn@dwfearn.com>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 15:04:23 -0500
List-post: <mailto:orion@contesting.com>
A few months ago I was getting reports of awful keying with my Orion. Some described it as "fractured" and un-readable. On 80M one guy about 200 miles away said I had key clicks over the entire band. The sidetone sounded fine. No reports that it was raspy, however.

This went on for a while as I experimented into a dummy load and listening on another receiver. The keying was definitely bad. This persisted through a couple of firmware updates. I talked to Ten Tec service about it and they were convinced it was a bad coax. But it wasn't. The rig seemed to be generating huge spurious outputs because into an antenna the reflected power on a separate SWR bridge would kick violently only on key release. (It was fine into a dummy load.)

I was about to ship it back for repair when the problem suddenly went away and has never returned. I had changed nothing that I am aware of.

There are still some CW issues for me: about once every 15 minutes, the keying locks-up momentarily. Makes me sound like a fool.

A more subtle problem is evident when I am using a bug. I think there are times when the microprocessor gets too busy to follow the dots and the spacing is affected. It's not too obvious, but I notice it. My old Corsair II doesn't do that, nor does my ancient Viking Valiant. The old rigs do not shorten the first element, either.

The keying seemed to be much better when I first got the Orion. Perhaps some firmware updates have had unanticipated effects.

I have faith that Ten Tec will solve these problems.

Doug K3KW

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 14:10:59 -0000
From: "Charlie, W0YG" <w0yg@myawai.com>
To: "Orion Reflector" <orion@contesting.com>
Subject: [Orion] Orion raspy on CW?
Message-ID: <000701c3ef16$92af3220$18801cac@charlieg34wnzz>
Precedence: list
Message: 1

I have a neighbor, well I say neighbor but he must be 15 miles away, that
complains about my raspy note on CW with my Orion.  I don't hear it when
listening to the monitor nor does another neighbor, just a mile away,
complain.  However this morning, this same neighbor indicated that a station
that frequently CQs on top band also must have an Orion because the note is
quite raspy.

Has anyone ever gotten these kinds of reports?  I find it strange that a
Icom 756 user, not the PRO or PRO II, would complain about the raspiness of
the Orion.  What could be going on?

For information, the Icom 756 is old technology employing crystal filters in
the various IFs.  It is not a DSP radio so a mis-setting of the DSP which
could cause all kinds of distortions as per recent threads on the Icom
756PRO II yahoo reflector, is not an issue.

Any comments?


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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