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[na-user] SO2R Keystrokes

To: <>
Subject: [na-user] SO2R Keystrokes
From: Bill Fisher - W4AN <> (Bill Fisher - W4AN)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 14:12:45 -0500 (EST)
I disagree with Dave.  Semi-colon has a function and should not be
confused with ALT-D.  Semi-colon is for those times when the timing is
perfect to drop your call out on the 2nd radio but you dont have time to
do ALT-D.  You know it's not a dupe.  

If Dave doesn't like ALT-D, then he should remap another key to ALT-D.  I
suggest comma, period, or slash.



On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, k8cc wrote:

> This is a note for all SO2R users:
> Right now, there is two ways to get switched to the alternate radio to make
> a QSO:
> 1. If you've done an Alt-D search, and there is a callsign waiting on the
> alternate radio, pressing F4 switches over and sends your call.
> 2. If you press the semi-colon key, NA switches to the alternate radio and
> sends your call.
> Note that #2 has been broken in NA for some time.  It's already fixed for
> the next version, but perhaps there is a better way.
> Dave, W6NL has made the suggestion of eliminating #1 and using the
> semi-colon function as the only way to get to the alternate radio.  His
> reasoning is that allowing #1 precludes him using it to send his call on the
> main radio while the alternate radio function is enabled, perhaps as a brief
> blast to hold a frequency.
> IMO, this is a good idea, and furthers the "each key combination has a
> single function" philosophy which leads to good human engineering.  I don't
> see how this curtails flexibility, but wanted to bounce it off the NA SO2R
> community before deciding to change.
> 73,
> Dave, K8CC
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