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[Karlnet] TurboCell CB3

To: <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: [Karlnet] TurboCell CB3
From: "Rick Snider" <rick@snider.org>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 20:38:11 -0600
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>

Sorry to jump in -- but I really am an advocate of routing -- mainly
having NAT at client.

Picture this in bridged mode -- a client monkeys with his eqipment IP and
conflicts with an address that you have assigned to  another user. Bad news.

Or a client sticks the LAN port of a Linksys router on the Bridged wireless
client ethernet port and begins issuing his own DHCP or worse yet has an IP
address that is the same as your outbound gateway address.

Even though "deny inter-client traffic" blocks user RF communication, all
as well as multiple DHCP or multiple IP conflicts still show up at the final
Access Point ethernet port.

So -- I will not use Trango and some of the others ( like KN-50 ) clients
only bridge.

They are fine for a few user neigborhood network or a business network
where you have dictatorial control over all IP settings and all hardware
usage but not for multiple home user WISP systems

Rick Snider
Hillcountry Networks

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