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Re: [Karlnet] Radio Cards

To: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: Re: [Karlnet] Radio Cards
From: Travis Mikalson <bofh@terranova.net>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 17:15:52 -0500
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
I put up about 5 KN-50s with the Hermes I cards that Karlnet provides before I finally figured out they were causing my problems. It doesn't matter if your signal is perfect or not, they still perform like crap with the KN-50, mostly a packet loss problem, the severity of which is affected by your signal.

From then on I have used 180mW (marketed as 200mW) Prism 2.5 cards from SMC since they are the cheapest I can find for producing a big batch of CPE. I get them for about $60/each. They also have a detachable antenna so you don't get an antenna spewing your signal all over inside whatever enclosure it's in.

SMC Model SMC2532W-B:

For important things like the base station where money is not that much of an object, you can get better receive sensitivity out of Demarctech's Prism cards, they are $120 for 100mW and $130 for 200mW bought through their web site (http://www.demarctech.com/)

I popped two of the 100mW Demarctech cards in my base station and my general performance improved and the trouble I was having went away. They do seem to be worth every penny. I also use their 100mW cards with amplifiers because you can't hit most amplifiers with more power than that.


Eric Sooter wrote:
I'd thought it would be better to break out another thread for this.  We
have used Orinoco Silver and Gold cards (and the occasional Avaya) for just
about everything in our network.  I hear talk on people using many different
types of cards, Prism, etc.  Was wandering what people are getting the best
bang for their buck with radio cards?  We are looking for cards that perform
well but trying to keep CPE cost down.  And from what I hear on the list and
the problems I have with packet loss and performance, I'm wandering if
Orinico Hermes radios are the ones to use.

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