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[Karlnet] Senao NL-2511CD

To: <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: [Karlnet] Senao NL-2511CD
From: "Eric Sooter" <eric@junct.com>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 17:05:05 -0600
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
I guess I have a few questions regarding the Senao NL-2511CD Plus Ext2
cards.  I managed to purchase one just to try out on one of our links.  Both
sides are AP1000 units running 4.44-01 TC.  Was experiencing some packet
loss on a 6 mile PTP link.  SNR seemed to be good around 25/30 db on each
side.  So I thought I'd add one of the 200mw cards into the mix to see if it
helped any.  Popped a card in on one side of the link.  Did a link test and
didn't show any proper stats on the Sanao side (which is normal, I believe)
but it did show SNR on the other side which was an Orinoco silver.  No
packets lost.  But I  couldn't ping or pass data to the other side.  Also, I
tried in in both antennae connectors just to be sure.  So I guess here are
the questions.   Do AP-1000 properly support this card (Karlnet said it
would work)?  Do I need one on each side of the PTP link?  Is there another
software setting that needs to be done upon adding this card?  


Eric Sooter

The Junction Internet LLC

Partner and Founder



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