>Hello, all.
Hi there
>I've got a HyperLink Tech "SOHO Mini-ROR" here that I inherited on a
basically, an AP-500 w/ SR-4200
>I'm seeing somewhat regular radio interface lockups - "somewhat" meaning
>it happens often, but I cannot pin it down to a specific event or
>condition. By "lockup", I mean the radio still appears to be attempting
>to send and receive data, it's just all errors.
>It's used as a customer "uplink" to our network, and sees fairly heavy
>traffic all the time, compared to the average network user - 500-700kbps
>continuous, sometimes more.
any clue on MTU? If memory serves me correctly, there was an issue w/ v4.x
lockups & MTU size
Any chance that the device "forgets" its IP address?
>It's running KarlBridge 4.02, with an Avaya card internally running 8.10
v4.02 had a few problems...we're currently on 4.31 (general release) or 4.43
>Performance is good overall when it's working, but RAS'ing in and
>rebooting the bridge when it locks up (about every other day) is getting
>to be a PITA.
can you upgrade the device?
>It's acting as an ROR master and connecting to a spare segment on a
>Lucent/Proxim ROR, running Lucent release 4.02 (actually, Karlnet 4.15,
>correct?), and Lucent cards running 8.10 FW. I have not tried rebooting
>the Lucent ROR to see if it restores the link like rebooting the SOHO
>does, I'm using the other wireless segment for backhaul of other traffic,
>so I've been avoiding any outages on purpose.
>It also appears to lockup with a Lucent card running FW 8.10 as well (I
>know, virtually the same thing with the exception of vendor ID's), so it
>doesn't appear to be the radio per-se. It also happens with another like
>unit I have sitting here as a spare.
>One oddity I noticed is that no matter what card I put in the slot with
>8.x firmware, it's reported as 7.52 in the configurator. But it *is* 8.10
>because that was the trigger for me disassembling the unit to check it
that's b/c of how KarlNet's v4.x works
It reloads the card with the most stable release of card firmware (e.g., in
your case, it was v7.52), so if the card is running v6.08, 8.1, etc...it
will always show up, in the KarlNet device, as running v7.52
>So, my question is two-fold. First, does this sound like a firmware
yes - you probably want to upgrade to v4.34
>I'm not intimately familiar with the idiosyncrasies of each
>Karlnet release, which is why I'm asking the experts :)
no problem
>Secondly, since I
>don't have a license key with the unit, how (or should I ask - can) do I
>go about getting or retrieving a key and/or access to updated firmware to
>push into the router?
that's why you don't purchase Hyperlink - however, with the latest version
of the configurator, it is possible to upgrade firmware without having to
have the key file handy...(there are a lot of former Wave/Speedlan customers
still held hostage by their license keys, running a variety of v3.x code on
their units)
>If it sounds like a router firmware related issue, and I'm toast since I
>don't have a key (and end up unable to retrieve one), I'm willing to
>purchase a new firmware license just to get this monkey off my back, so
>pointers here would be appreciated as well.
it is not necessary to purchase a new firmware license, but you're always
welcome to <g>
>Thanks in advance for any and all help you can give! I appreciate it!
contact me offlist with your details, and I'll see that you're taken care of