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Re: [Karlnet] Karlnet Perl Scripts

To: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: Re: [Karlnet] Karlnet Perl Scripts
From: Darko Budor <b@vodatel.hr>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:22:32 +0100
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 04:28:09PM -0500, Dan Metcalf wrote:
> NO doubt, KARLNET - WE NEED SOMETHING TO graph snr over time, I use mrtg
> & cricket, but I have yet to actually do that or see a working script!

Hope this will help. Strange results if not used on satellites, though. Oh,
yeah, you should be fortunate enough to get KBRIDGE-PUBLIC-MIB.txt from
Karlnet's support, cause I'm not sure if it could be found on the web.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# started by Matija Nalis 2002/12
# gets signal and noise from KB for MRTG
use SNMP;

my $DEBUG=0; 

my ($ip, $community, $int) = @ARGV;

$0 = "get_signalnoise $ip - $int";      # remove password from cmdline (yeah, 
lame and racy...)

if ($#ARGV != 2) {
  print STDERR "Invalid arguments!\n";
  exit 10;

$DEBUG && print "$community\@$ip - int $int\n";

$sess = new SNMP::Session(DestHost => $ip, Community => $community);

if ($DEBUG) {
  my $sysname = $sess->get('sysName.0');
  print "sysName=$sysname\n";

my $idx = -1;   # found our interface here

# set up the data structure for the getnext command
$vars = new SNMP::VarList( ['kbWirelessStationInterfaceNumber'] );

# get first row
my $tint = $sess->getnext($vars);
die $sess->{ErrorStr} if ($sess->{ErrorStr});

# and all subsequent rows
while (!$sess->{ErrorStr} and 
       $$vars[0]->tag eq "kbWirelessStationInterfaceNumber"){
    my $pos = $$vars[0]->iid;
    $DEBUG && print " test $pos -> $tint\n";
    if ($tint == $int) { $idx = $pos; $DEBUG && print "FOUND! IDX=$idx\n"; }
    $tint = $sess->getnext($vars);

if ($idx < 0) {
        $DEBUG && print STDERR "wireless index not found for interface $int at 
ip $ip";
        exit 1;

if ($DEBUG) {
  my $linkto = $sess->get("kbWirelessStationName.$idx");
  print "link to $linkto\n";

my $signal = $sess->get("kbWirelessStationSignalLevel.$idx");
my $mysignal = $signal / -2 + 94;
$DEBUG && print "signal=$signal (my=$mysignal)\n";

my $noise = $sess->get("kbWirelessStationNoiseLevel.$idx");
my $mynoise = $noise / -2 + 94;
$DEBUG && print "noise=$noise (my=$mynoise)\n";

print "$mysignal\n$mynoise\n";
exit 0;

Darko Budor <budor (at) vodatel (dot) hr>
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