I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas on my problem.
I have an Orinoco 11Mbit/s silver card that seems to be dead, if I insert it
into my PCMCIA socket on my laptop my system beeps twice at me but the
lights on the card do not flash. (dead) ?
I was using this card a real lot, I have a license for Turbocell NDIS
windows 98 for this card that I use for testing on my network and now this
card does not seem to work. I have placed the card into both an RG-1000 and
also an AP-1000 and the unit only seems to boot part way and then hangs.
My question is if the card is stuffed can license keys be transferred to
other cards in the event of faulty hardware ?
This card has work faultlessly until now.
Robert Farrar