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[ct-user] Problem replacing corrupted CT.EXE file in existing CT9.89

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Problem replacing corrupted CT.EXE file in existing CT9.89
From: "Richard W Ehrhorn" <w4eto@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 14:53:33 -0700
List-post: <mailto:ct-user@contesting.com>
HELP! I'm trying to replace my corrupted CT.EXE file before the CW test begins 
today (planning well ahead, as always!) 

QUESTION: After downloading and unzipping ct992.exe on my internet-equipped 
laptop, (how) can I now transfer the unzipped file(s) from the laptop to my CT 
Been using CT forever, running it on a dedicated computer running DOS, but that 
one is NOT modem-equipped so I can't download directly into the existing CT 

In the past I've updated CT data files without problem by downloading via the 
laptop to a floppy disk for transfer to the CT computer. But now, trying to 
save the .EXE file to floppy for transfer, I get either "cannot copy C: - copy 
protected" or "password required." 

What can I do?

Thanks much!

73,  Dick Ehrhorn, W0ID/ex-W4ETO     
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