In previous versions of C2A (CT to ADIF), I put the CONTEST_ID field
in the ADIF file header. This field should have been part of each
QSO record. So I changed it. And started getting some complaints.
I assume that the importing logging program would take this field and
append it to one of the comment/notes fields. This is dependent on
your particular logging program.
Here is an example from the CT output:
Note that it doesn't include the year or mode of the contest (if
that's significant). So this information may be too general.
I have an idea to fix this (somewhat) by adding an "-id" argument to
the command line:
1. If "-id" is not specified, then no CONTEST_ID will be written to
the ADIF file
2. If "-id" is specified by itself, then you will get a default ID
based on the contest name, year and mode, i.e.
3. If "-id <name>" is specified, whatever you enter as "name" will
be written to the contest ID field:
<CONTEST_ID:13>2005 AR160 CW
Note that the name following "-id" must be in "quotes".
Is this too much or too little? Would anyone use a custom CONTEST_ID
if it was available to them? Would you rather have the .BIN file
name as the contest ID? Would we be better off using the ADIF
COMMENT or NOTES field instead?
73 - Jim AD1C
Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <>,
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