I have placed CT10.00.004 in www.k1ea.com/download.
* Tweaked NA Qso Party and Sprint
* New command line switch for K5KA (-KA)
When this switch is turned on the F4 will not send your call if the call in
the callsign field is a dupe. Instead a dupe message comes up.
The Sprint is contest worth fooling around with. Most of the ops are very good,
and signals are usually loud. It's very, very hard to make the top ten, but
that's not what it's about for me. The cool part is that, after you answer a
station (and work him), you get an instant CQ frequency. Of course you have to
give it up after someone answers *you*.
This is a serial number contest with name and state added. Use shift F2 to put
"# yourname yourstate" in the F2 send exchange key.
If you call CQ and someone answers, CT sends hiscall, yourcall, serialnumber,
name and state. If you answer a CQ, CT sends hiscall, serialnumber, name, state
and yourcall. The position of your call indicates whether you are the CQ'er or
the S&P station. If you hear a callsign at the end of an exchange, you know you
can call him.
The sprint is January 31, 7PM eastern. That makes it Feb 1, 0000z.
Have fun - Ken
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CT on the web: http://www.k1ea.com/