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[ct-user] ctwin crash?

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] ctwin crash?
From: k1ttt at arrl.net (David Robbins K1TTT)
Date: Sun Feb 23 16:50:24 2003
Running 9.85.002 ctwin as link to cluster for a ct/dos machine doing cq
160m ssb... the ctwin machine kept crashing, at 0x0040b1f4 trying to
read 0x04.  tried restarting it with a clean log, but it still did it,
usually after just a couple qso's.

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt@arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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