thanks, 'colorsave' is the key. its been quite a while since i messed with
window locations. i had set up a colors.ini many years ago and i think it was
last year ken changed something that made the old colors.ini put windows in some
really bad arrangement so i killed it and went with the defaults. but now that
he moved the supercheck (for 2radio setup i think) i wanted to put it back where
it belonged and couldn't remember how to make it start there in a new log so i
didn't have to use the mouse every time.
so you still have to use a mouse to set it up, but then after you get an
arrangement you like use 'colorsave' to save it for future use. dennis, if you
can't put a mouse on that machine i could send you a colors.ini with the
supercheck window moved over to the top right.
Dave Hawes wrote:
> Used to be that, once you liked the window arrangements, you
> would type the command COLORSAVE. That would save the
> window (and colors, if you changed them) locations in a file called
> COLORS.INI. If CT can find this file when starting a fresh .BIN file, it
> uses the stored window locations.
> Used to work this way. Maybe broken in later versions?
David Robbins K1TTT
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