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[ct-user] NEW WPX M/S numbering rule

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] NEW WPX M/S numbering rule
From: JohnBarcroft@ClearChannel.com (JohnBarcroft@ClearChannel.com)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 12:10:13 -0400
A last minute rule change is in effect for the WPX contest to help us deal
with CT's probem with "reserving" serial numbers so that the run station
doesn't grab a number that the mult station has already sent.  Here it is
copied from the WPX web site:

Effective for the upcoming CW contest, stations entering in the multi-single
category and using a separate station for working multipliers may use
separate serial numbers for each band.   This should eliminate any problems
with giving out the wrong serial numbers due to timing problems between the
run and mult stations which may have occurred during the SSB contest..

Under CT, configure your network using the MULTI-MULTI setting.  This will
allow individual serial numbers on each band.  When you finish, change your
summary sheet back to multi single.  Be aware that CT is notorious for
serial number problems in some multi-multi setups.

If you are using TRlog select the  QSO NUMBER BY BAND option.

If you are using WriteLog - under the SETUP menu, select Sort Ordering and
Serial Numbers and then select Separate by  Band (or you may select Separate
by Radio).

I have no information available for NA at the moment.

It is very important that your log indicates the correct serial number sent.

73,  John


John Barcroft

Clear Channel San Diego Engineering

9660 Granite Ridge Dr.
San Diego, CA  92123
JohnBarcroft@Clearchannel.com <mailto:JohnBarcroft@Clearchannel.com>
Tel: 858-715-3245

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