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[ct-user] ALT-Z and Check Country/call

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] ALT-Z and Check Country/call
From: Joseph.Agius@sybase.com (Joseph.Agius@sybase.com)
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 07:39:25 -0500
You can if you hit alt-z then alt-c twice.  All 3 will be there though you
have to move one with your mouse.
Thanks for  contest QSO.


"Bill Hider" <n3rr@erols.com> on 12/13/2000 12:56:40 AM

Please respond to "Bill Hider" <n3rr@erols.com>

 To:       ct-user@contesting.com                             
 cc:       (bcc: Joseph Agius/SYBASE)                         
 Subject:  [ct-user] ALT-Z and Check Country/call             

In 10M contest, I couldn't get the ALT-Z window to appear simultaneously
with the Check Country and Check Call windows.

Each time I brought up ALT-Z, the Check Country and Check Call windows
disappeared.  When I selected Check Call or Check Country, the ALT-Z window

I'd like to have all three of these windows visible simultaneously. Is this
possible?  Was I doing something wrong?

CT V 9.53
WIN 98 - Boot with F8 to DOS Command Prompt
10M single band
Single Op unlimited


Bill, N3RR

Bill Hider, N3RR

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