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[ct-user] FD trouble summary

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] FD trouble summary
From: Potbellyc@aol.com (Potbellyc@aol.com)
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 20:41:26 EDT
Thanks to the many folks who wrote directly.

In summary:

Many folks wrote to say they had similar problems with the callsigns or data 
disappearing when another station logged a couple of QSO's.  

Some of these were using serial ports, some were using ethernet cables.
All had to disconnect working LAN's because of this software bug.

All appeared to be running either DOS, or Win9x booted to DOS, and seem to 
have had the correct multi.cfg and fd.dat files.

None were pleased.   ;-)

None have heard of a bug fix as of this point.

Many of us would not like to switch from CT, but would like the program we 
use to work.  Those of us who have larger numbers of hams at FD sites hate to 
explain for the 75th time why the network isn't working...especially if we 
have our Emergency Managers and served agency reps watching our 

    73 & GL,
     Joe,  WB2VVS

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