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[ct-user] B2R and a lot more

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] B2R and a lot more
From: Andrew J. O'Brien" <obrienaj@netsync.net (Andrew J. O'Brien)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 07:28:58 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard & Martha Wilder <wilder@abs.net>

> The utility to convert the ----.RES file back to ----.BIN is
> probably B2R9.EXE.  That is, if you're using CT9+.
> If not using CT9 then there are problems because B2R.EXE
> has several versions that you can identify by their date.
> >
> Not enough info in your question to give you an answer.
> 73, Dick, K3DI

Thanks to Dick and other for their help.  RES to BIN is what I am seeking to
do.  The experiment that I want to try is to take a digital contest log
created using logger (because Logger's macros make using it in a digital
contest most convenient) , export from Logger in ADIF format, import the
ADIF file to Excel, move the fields under Excel into the order required by
CT9.46 so it will look like a .RES file , save as a .RES, convert to a .BIN
file and then see if CT will actually score the contest for me and generate
the required files for submission of my entry.

Yes, Yes...it is a whole lot of effort, etc, etc.  However, I just wanna try
it, see if it would work.


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