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[ct-user] COMTSR settings vs. CT settings

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] COMTSR settings vs. CT settings
From: Gilmer, Mike" <mgilmer@gnlp.com (Gilmer, Mike)
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 09:58:20 -0500
I am confused as to the requirements for setting baud/bits/parity, etc.
when setting up CT with COMTSRs.  It seems somewhat redundant and
potentially fatal that both the COMTSR and CT have selections/switches
for these parameters.  In other words, I can specify the baud in the
COMTSR and then again inside CT.  These can be, potentially, different.
Furthermore, I assume when selecting various radios within CT, CT picks
the proper BAUD/STOP bits, etc., which could also be at odds with the
COMTSR settings.

I have gotten all this to work with radio-control, packet, network.
However, I seem to need to specify all the parameters in both the COMTSR
and in CT.  Whether this is the case or not, I would like to understand.
Can someone please clarify.

Mike N2MG

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