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[ct-user] ts850s and ct

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] ts850s and ct
From: Rick Dougherty NQ4I <NQ4I@compuserve.com> (Rick Dougherty NQ4I)
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 10:59:18 -0500
hi all...have had a few messages with Bill W5VX, and he and I are having
the same problem or so it seems...have traced mine to the mfj
interface...it does not use pins 4 and 4 on the rs232 interface plug...only
uses 3 pins...appears to not have rts/cts handshaking ability...just called
their tech staff and they are looking the problem now...will report back
with any answer...de Rick

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