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[ct-user] CT936 Time problem

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CT936 Time problem
From: Ken Wolff <kwolff@ultranet.com> (Ken Wolff)
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 07:53:51 -0500
I can fix that!

- Ken

At 05:18 AM 3/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>We used CT936 during the weekend in the ARRL contest and it worked
>perfectly. I just printed QSL labels for the ARRL SSB contest and they are
>all 5 hours off. The log is correct, but the labels generated by QSL9 are
>off by 5 hours. I'm off GMT by 5 hours. 
>Suggestions on getting QSL9 to print labels with the correct time will be
>Vic  N4TO
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Ken Wolff <kwolff@ultranet.com>

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