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wpx problem

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: wpx problem
From: N0bsh@aol.com (N0bsh@aol.com)
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 11:58:10 -0400
I used v9.22 in my WPX effort at KS9K.  I have v8.53 on my 
computer at home.

I did the 9TO8 conversion and the program comes up OK in 8.53 but
when I did WRITELOG the program crashed - said something about
possible bad address or something.  It did write some of the files
Like .'band', .SUM, .DUP, etc., but stuff like .BRK, .CON, etc were not.

Any clues??

(Running on 486SX33 machine)

Mike  N0BSH

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