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How to customize, merge, or edit MASTER.DTA?

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: How to customize, merge, or edit MASTER.DTA?
From: kitagawa@ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp (JH3PRR Masahiro Kitagawa)
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 21:13:16 +0900
I would like to customize my master.dta.  To be specific, I must make
updated master.dta which includes both US and DX for coming CQ
WW. Since the most up-to-date MASTER.DTA on CT BBS

MASTER.EXE     402688  03-03-94  WR3G Master.DTA includes ARCW94 M/M logs

does not seem to include US calls. I must probably merge the above
master.dta with my old master.dta which includes US stations.

In addition to that, I might be able to save a little bit of memory
by deleting calls in my own country.

The question is:
Are there any way to merge or edit master.dta files?
Equivalently, are there any tools which convert master.dta into ASCII
and ASCII back into master.dta? (Yes, I can edit/filter/merge ASCII
files easily by using emacs/sed/uniq kinds of things.)

Any help should be highly appreciated. Hopefully before this Friday!!!


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