a thought piece
I am too old now 81, but I've enjoyed being an avid contestor during my
prime years. I have lots of advice for anyone's station located anywhere
except in the American North East. If you're not there, you need to
redefine what you call a successful contest result. ARRL Awards are only
for people who near live In the area of ARRL HQ. Nationally I won my class
in a 10 meter contest because that only date heavily favored where I was in
Florida ---not the NE. So first, if you're not in the golden zone you must
redefine what a victory is for you where you are. ARRL Awards are not for
you, so draw up some personal definitions that skip ARRL.
I say thank the gods that there are contests these days because without
them it doesn't seem there is much on- air activity except on the cursed FT8,
which provides very few QSO satisfactions. The non-contest General CQ is
now a waste of time that could be spent reading something interesting.
The shack has moved to the hip of the newcomers, so we old boys have to
just bear with the facts of life.
I have so many general comments to add here but this is not what you wanted
this time. I understand.
73, charly
On Tue, Mar 4, 2025 at 9:13 AM Chris Tate - N6WM <chris.tate@gmail.com>
> Greetings fellow contesters!
> I hope you all had lots of fun in the ARRL DX SSB last weekend. As always
> a mix of conditions, expeditions and interesting propagation made things
> interesting!
> While it's fresh, I wanted to ask you for your stories, and pictures. Pics
> of operators are best!
> You want fast results, getting good content promptly is a great help to us
> in getting the article ready for publication as fast as possible, and as
> interesting as possible.
> Send me what you got! my email is good on QRZ.com... would love to hear
> from you.
> 73 and seeya in the next one!
> Chris
> N6WM
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Charly, HS0ZCW
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